Yay! The new re-built from the ground-up website went live tonight!
Ron had gotten it to the point where I needed to do final proofreading and data-entry months ago, and then other stuff interrupted, and there it sat.
And sat.
And sat.
I stayed home from work today, cold (I thought . . . now I'm starting to wonder if it's the F-word) and recovering from an outpatient surgical procedure. Not exactly motivational conditions, you'd think, but apparently it was.
I sat down and slogged through all the pages, spending more or less time checking and updating. Also deciding that the color scheme needed a major change. There's probably a bunch of stuff I missed, I'll start looking at it again in a week or so for fiddly stuff.
And there's new stuff to add, once we get pictures. It never really ends...
The False Promise To Oneself To Not Buy V-Bucks
54 minutes ago
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