As referred to over on the personal blog, today is working on the side (kitchen) porch day.
However, before Ron got home with X1 and X2 last night, Robin went trailer spelunking for me, we pulled out the merchandise boxes containing pouches, and I pulled out all the pouches listed on Etsy and ArtFire, all the little square black pouches, and all the frogs (all the little black pouches because they sell the fastest, and the frogs because they're small).
Last night I got the new flourescent-friendly fixtures for the dining room, and Robin put bulbs in them and put them up this morning (I'm not quite tall enough). One is defective, but haven't been back to Home Depot yet. At worst I'll stop at the HD near my office and exchange it.
I don't think I'm going to have to rearrange the furniture in the dining room. I may still move the big sewing machine over a couple/few inches, but that may not even be necessary.
I remember from using this workbench before that the shelf needed extra support if there was much weight on it - set screws in dimples in the legs just weren't up to much. We had an un-treated 2x4 that wasn't used for concrete formwork, so Ron cut supports for me.
Oops, I had him cut them a hair long. I had to put most of them in with the help of a mallet, and I'm pretty sure the proper bench legs are no longer weight-bearing. OTOH there's no instability (I have 8 chunks of 2x4 for supports) and when (I'm thinking it will be a when, not an if) the set screws give up the ghost it won't be a big drop.
Currently have my laptop set up on said bench, pretending to supervise the porch construction, also watching the neighbors move some furniture in, dogs, neighbor kids, etc.
And I've actually dined in the dining room!
Why yes, this is a rare and special event. I don't think it's the first time, though.
Sounds like construction is about done for the day.
Hmm. Maybe I'll see what I have in the way of ecru and aqua ribbon.
A Work of Art
2 hours ago