Monday, February 20, 2012

Working Away

Saturday was made of even more flail than usual, although in the morning the little bins for the big green tool bin arrived, and we got the hardware re-packed into them. I seem to have made a mis-calculation, and ordered 1" wide bins as space-fillers, when I could have gotten 2" ones. But they're not too expensive, so I'll probably not worry about returning/exchanging the 1" ones, and just get 2" ones.

Yesterday, since I was going to be dyeing things black anyway, I finished cutting a chunk of leather up into softish pouch parts, and then went out and dyed a whole bunch of things. 

I worked on the black purses, and then got a pouch ready to lace up during the MuseCon meeting. I could have finished it at the meeting, as well as hemming the top of the pocket for the rectangular purse, but I decided the pouch needs a slight modification that would be easier if I didn't finish lacing up the sides.

After the meeting I worked on the purses some more, up to getting the gussets glued in, so they've been drying overnight. Then I moved on to another pouch.

Today the plan is to get the pouches ready for final assembly steps - sewing the dee holders onto the gussets, and lacing up. I also want to go downstairs, cut strips for braided belts and any other black belts we need out of a partial side we have.  

After that, the remains of that side come upstairs to be used on the current steampunk-ish project. Yeah, I'm doing it in black (sigh). Black sells. I'm hoping to also get that ready for final assembly today, which means I should quit yakking and get to work...

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