I had another idea for a new thing to do on/with/to pouches, and Ron tells me it isn't hare-brained. It will, however, lead to the purchase of more stuff, from at least three different suppliers. For that reason, it will probably wait a little while, but probably less than a month.
It will also mean another variation(s) to try to keep in stock. Which: AAARGH! But also: more choices lead to more sales. Fortunately, storage of the new stuff should only be a minor issue, it should work into empty spaces in existing storage solutions.
Which reminds me, when working on the single small pocket last night, Ron discovered that one of the shallow plastic tackle boxes I keep punches in suffered fatal damage over the weekend. I know one if its small cousins had also been holed, but I had a spare. I suspect both were damaged when the big bins shifted on the way to the event Saturday.
The question becomes: stop at Cabela's and see if I can get another box of the same style/size; or shift to a different solution, with the sub-option of double-checking what's lurking in the basement in the way of tool boxen. The tackle boxes the punches are currently in live in a fairly dead space in the dining room, which a bigger tackle/tool box would not do. Given that I'm kind of trying to continue cleaning up the dining room, moving things out of a dead space into another part of the room is not an attractive option. Perhaps I'll measure said dead space and see if there are any better storage solutions available that would still fit.
Ron continued work on the single (test) pocket last night. He was hoping to get as far as sewing, but that decided that the gusset I'd cut was too stiff to try sewing without gluing first, and that he wanted to give the glue plenty of time to dry. He also noted and came up with a solution to a machine-sewing problem that's not an issue with hand-sewing (lumpy bits which would cause significant issues when trying to machine-sew something are often only minor annoyances when hand-sewing, and then only because the thread likes to wrap around and hold onto said lumpy bits).
I'm not being patient about my Fire Mountain Gems order. Reading their shipping information it should ship today, from Oregon, FedEx ground/home delivery. That probably means delivery early next week. Fire Mountain doesn't have a way to look at past/outstanding orders, so unless they send me a tracking number package arrival is going to be a surprise.
Still chugging away on the vertical-stack pockets. I can't remember if I nattered about it before or not, I'm only working on them in the evenings, as I decided they've gotten too bulky to schlep back and forth to the office to work on at lunchtime. If machine-sewing does not turn out to be a viable solution, I'm not sure I'm going to be making many more, they're a lot of work. Especially since in the evenings I also have time-sinks such as making dinner and doing dishes.
Oh, to be truly and filth-ily rich, so I could have staff to do the cooking whenever I didn't want to, and to do the pesky cleaning-type housekeeping. Which would require a much bigger house. Ooh, that would be tragic. Or staff that didn't live in, which would also be ok, as it would only leave us with after-hours emergency messes. And while I'm at it, I'd like a pony. No, a draft horse. Whatever. And stable staff, too. That's it! I have to win mega-billions in the lottery! Or be blessed by the Money Fairy! Whichever, they're equally (im)plausible.
Back From JoCo Cruise
5 hours ago
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