This week I've been fairly distracted by spinning, as evidenced by the volume of spinning natter over on my personal blog.
I could claim that my hands and wrists were tired of hand-sewing and lacing, and I've been giving them a break. There would even be some truth to that statement. It would not, however, explain my lack of Etsy/ArtFire updates (insert guilty look here).
I did get an order directly attributable to the craft fair, so I'll be starting that (and finishing, with luck) this weekend. I just need to find a book of the appropriate thickness at home so I can figure out how much leather wrapping a cover around it will take. Oooh, I dunno, finding a book in our house . . .
I also need to do the books from the craft fair (which shouldn't take long), and do the inventory update and price-tag new-ish finished things (a larger job). Which I'm not making any promises on.
On the Design front, this week we started our big project for the term in GRA102 - Graphic Arts 101, but more so. (yeah, I'm just a liiiitle bored, I'm not sure we've done much new yet, except for things I already am familiar with in InDesign. Sigh). It's a folder, business card, and inserts for a business or organization. Can you guess what business I might possibly do?
When we were supposed to do sketches of several possible logos I asked if I really needed to do that, since I have an established logo. The instructor said no, but please sketch what it is. Thank Ghu she's wasn't expecting a good sketch.
My plan is that the overall package will be for Otter Necessities Design Services. I'll include not one, but two business cards - Otter Necessities Design Services, and Ron's photography business cards. We have an option of doing a set of 4 insert sheets in stepped heights, or a mumble-page insert stapled into the folder. I'm thinking . . . both. The stepped sheets in the left-hand pocket of the folder, and then making the stapled insert a mini-portfolio. Yeah, I think I can generate that much content, especially if I include things like retouching work Ron's done on old family photos, and re-purposing old advertising posters I've done for MuseCon, and custom leather presentation folders/binders. The only hitch may be time.
Also been poking at Publications stuff for both MuseCon and Windycon. A week after MuseCon I get to put the Progress Report mailing for Windycon. Wheee! Nothing like a packed schedule!
I've decided not to take any Graphic Arts classes over the summer, still waffling about fall. But I can wait on that.
A Work of Art
2 hours ago
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