I have actual accomplishments to report! Yay!
The MuseCon program book did get to the printer before my drop-dead deadline, and then a revised copy went off the next day when I realized I'd forgotten something important, but still before the drop-dead deadline. This is why the plan is not to wait until the drop-dead deadline to get things to the printer!
Will have to do an insert/update sheet. There's been some changes/additions to Programming, new staff, and a vendor added.
Ron and I cleaned up some more vintage travel posters/labels for use as room schedule signs. I have to go through and decide which ones I'm going to re-use, and which new ones I'm going to use.
Saturday I cut out a bunch of the pouches for our leatherworking class. I've decided I'm going to lay out the piles of parts and tell the people to pick the colors they like, they can mix and match. I have several times as many pouches as we have pre-registrations for, but Ron pointed out that I can sew them up and sell them. I do still need to put the studs on the fronts and punch the slotted holes in the flaps, but that's only an evening's work.
Yesterday I cut out book covers. I need to dye a couple black, and then those are ready to go. Nobody has pre-registered to do a book cover, but see above on finishing/selling.
Yesterday I also cleaned up the dining room a bit, mostly gathering up all the junk/scraps that had piled up on the floor. It made a difference, though.
Saturday and yesterday I worked on formatting for print a hand-sewing tutorial another leatherworker, Ron Ross, has on his website, and has made available for others to use.
I've gotten a first draft of the instructions for the book covers done, and added all the I can think of that someone might need to the pouch pattern. Writing instructions is hard - I don't have instructions for any of my own stuff, just a pile of patterns, which have various cryptic markings that probably wouldn't make sense to most people. I started with the book cover instructions because I figured it would be easier to write than the pouch.
Ron asked if I was going to do written instructions for the keychains. I hadn't planned to (didn't have any when I did the class last year), but he has a point that it would mostly be just edits to the book cover instructions. So I might as well.
Supposed to be disgustingly hot again today, so I'll probably retreat to the bedroom tonight and work on instructions - coming up with words is more amenable to my smaller laptop screen than working on signage, which I really like the two big monitors for.
That reminds me, a week-ish ago Robin got Ron's slightly smaller LCD monitor, to replace his almost-dead monitor, and Ron got a new monitor, which is the same size as the iMac display, and which also has better color capacity (the old one isn't awful, but it did not match the iMac). Wow, lots of screen real estate!
I let Pippin into the dining room this weekend while working out there. At first he was very interested in the dog-food bins, but he's apparently decided he won't be able to get into them. He's mostly ignored the leather on the floor, but approves of the dog beds I had evicted in the kitchen. I still don't entirely trust him (and need to put the gate back up in the doorway), but am cautiously optimistic that he won't be worse than any of the other dogs.
Back From JoCo Cruise
15 hours ago
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