Today is Wednesday. Also Virtual Friday for me and Ron. And Virtual Saturday is tonight. AAARGH! Too much confusion!
Rewind, try again...
Today is August 1st. The MuseCon registration desk opens at 1:00 pm and the first programming sessions begin at 1:30 pm on August 3rd.
More baking for the Hospitality Suite last night. Monkey bread, with a piece of sharp cheddar cheese stuck into each piece of (non-sweet) dough. Today Robin is making a big batch of brownies, and tonight I'll make cookies, and some plain or brown sugar-cinnamon bread. I don't remember if I mentioned that we're using frozen balls of pizza dough from GFS for the bread. It seems to be working out fine, and lets me skip pretty much to shaping the dough for the final rise, then baking.
Last night I sent another batch of printing to FedEx/Kinko's. This morning, on the way to pick things up, I realized I'd forgotten signage for one important thing. Ron suggests that it can be in black-and-white, which would mean I could print it at home. I think he's probably correct there.
Also forgot the pickles for the Hospitality Suite when I was at the grocery store last night. D'oh! (the Hospitality Suite is partly stocked by donations at this point in MuseCon's life/size/budget).
The only thing left to do on the book cover and belt pouch parts is to buff the excess dye off the parts I dyed black last night. One of the print jobs I had done was the pattern sheet for the belt pouch (legal-size, which is why I didn't include it in the file for the directions).
Still need to cut key fob parts. And pack tools. And some extra leather would probably be wise.
Tomorrow morning Elrond goes to the vet for another bath. He's still faintly skunky if you get your face up near his. Evicting the carpet chunk that was at the foot of Ron's bed, having Ron wash the floor and the inside of Elrond's crate, and washing our bedding, including bedspreads, has helped the smell in our room. My main suspect was the carpet, which was pretty grungy before the skunk.
Not sure if there will be time for me to take the truck to DesPlaines to pick up one more piece of gridwall, or if one of the sign kiosks will be created using the quarter-round hanging bars. It'll work either way. Must remember to bring the zip-ties and zip-tie gun. And blue tape. And and and...
Ok, I think I'd better be done now. Can't brain, no think today. No, brain all MuseCon-ish. Whatever...
Back From JoCo Cruise
18 hours ago
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