Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Planning, Not as Planned, Design Stuff


I think it was Saturday evening I got e-mail that we didn't get into the Anime Midwest vendor hall. The e-mail said they had space for only about 40 of the 125 or so vendors who applied, and implied that they jury said applicants. I'm not complaining about not making the cut for limited space, but they could have been a lot better about communicating selection criteria and timelines. We'll probably try again for next year.

Not as Planned:

The dining room is still a mess, and I still haven't done any leatherworking. Ron's adamant not-sick-dammit-ness failed sometime Thursday night/Friday morning. We went to our doctor Friday morning, who sent us to the ER, and Ron stayed in the hospital until Saturday morning, because breathing is a good thing to do, and blood oxygen levels below 90% while on oxygen are Not Good. Drugs, drugs, and other drugs, plus oxygen later, Ron is improving.

Meanwhile, the Upper Respiratory Thing has gone to my sinuses, although antibiotics and/or less stress and being less tired than Ron was when he came down with said Thing mean that it hasn't gotten as bad. But I stayed home today anyway (and we both had Monday off) and took a nap this morning.

The short version is that both Ron and I are sick and tired, and putting up shelves and cleaning the dining room have been way too much like work to contemplate. Get the house picked up for the cleaning service visit yesterday was enough of an accomplishment.


Working on the program book for the floodplain managers' conference. I'm getting a steady trickle of content.  Today I got a question from one of my content sources about the conference sponsor information, which was my cue to ask about acknowledging myself. Which was awkward e-mail to compose. 

SF cons usually comp staff with membership, which is, say, $50-75-ish. This conference is $375 ($425 at the door), which my employer pays. Association board members are comped with membership to the national conference, which IIRC is even more expensive. But 40-ish hours of work is a good whack, so I've asked to put a business-card sized listing for Otter Necessities Design Services on one of the sponsor pages - or a size less than the bronze level ($300) sponsors. We'll see how it goes. In any case, I'm listing myself on the speakers/association officer page. I've also asked if there's anybody in addition to the board/committee chairs who should be listed, because I suspect there are.

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