Otter Necessities-wise it was a quiet, lazy weekend. I was feeling a bit guilty about that, but Ron says I needed a break.
I did a bit of work on the MuseCon program book, but mostly I sewed. Which I suppose is related to Otter Necessities, as the sewing was garb for SCA events/costuming for conventions. Full natter over on my personal blog.
I also did some cleanup work in the dining room. I put away the new latches I got last week (re-stocking or adding the same design in antique nickel finish), now I need to get more little red bins to sort hardware the drawers in the workshop. Most of the cleanup was coralling the C-clamps which were trying to take over all the available floor space, and picking up scraps and other junk.
I realized after I last posted that it had actually been a couple of weeks since I'd heard from the person I'd e-mailed about the SCA event the same weekend as WindyCon, so e-mailed a gentle nudge. Debating how much longer to make it a more poky nudge, copying the person that was mentioned as the informational hold-up.
Haven't heard back from the fall gaming convention at CoD, either.
Yes, I know it's only the end of June, but this is really not too early for scheduling fall events. The initial deadline for WindyCon dealer apps was June 1 (everybody in by June 1 got equal consideration for tables. Apps received after get tables or wait-listed first-come/first-served).
Although I hauled paperwork up to the bedroom and sorted it last week, I still haven't done much with it. I'll probably tackle that later this week on my laptop, when it gets hot and we retreat to the air-conditioning.
While the weather is still comfortable I'll work on the MuseCon program book on the desktop machine, with lots of screen real estate. While I'm at it I should install the latest version of InDesign on my laptop, so I can work on the book on it if necessary.
Back From JoCo Cruise
9 hours ago
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