Subtitled: Oh for the love of Cod and Little Fishes, Yet Still Another Busy Weekend, Again
We've getting things ticked off of the to-do list.
Ron's spent a week or more working on updating inventory and the Point of Sale software. That doesn't sound like much, but it has been a big job, as it has included doing price increases.
He's re-run the cost computations on almost everything, which not only means putting in new maximum expected costs, but also figuring out my spreadsheets, as well as finding and correcting all the errors that have crept in over the years. He'd do a group of items, which meant questions for me about what parts were, or how much for hardware or this or that thing, and then we'd look at the new costs and determine new prices. Well, mostly Ron figured out new prices. I'm pretty much clueless at this point.
Ron also updated the Point of Sale (PoS) software inventory, making sure that matched what we determined we actually have, and putting in all the new prices. Lots of new prices. And updating all the pouch numbers to be 4 digits, since we've shot past #1000.
Upload to software, error-check, repeat a time or two.
And we still need to add all the new merchandise.
As part of the re-pricing process, we need to put new price tags on things (mostly pouches). That's a lot of price tags. I've been hand-writing them, but that's a lot of work when we're re-doing everything.
We looked at labels to run through the printer. Then on Saturday morning we looked at label printers. I decided to stick with Brother, since we've been happy with the ones at Ron's office and the hand-held we have. Then we refined that to look at label printers that would talk to the Mac, and could deal with output from a spreadsheet or database. Then we went to Staples to actually look at the printer we had in mind. And discovered that they only had a display model, none in stock. Call other stores, no joy. Call other non-Staples stores (while "test-sitting" in one of their display office chairs), still no joy.
Finally success at CDW . . . which isn't open on Saturday. But Ron works right down the road, so I ordered and he'll pick it up today, which is good enough. I also got several rolls of continuous label tape, to print on. And while we were at Staples, I got some more tags, both because we probably need them, and because slightly bigger will make it easier with the printed labels.
Back-tracking to Thursday evening, I did the corners on a bunch of soft-ish pouches, so Robin could do up the sides. Which he did several of on Friday.
Friday morning I ordered a whole stack of shirts and vests with our logo embroidered on them. We got shirts for Ron, Xap, and me, in various styles. Ron got a "diamond brocade" fabric vest, and we got several plain vests for strong young backs to wear. We got enough things to get the setup fee for the embroidery waived, so I'll probably order myself a couple long-sleeve denim shirts later. And lab coats and chef's jackets were calling to us, too, but the price tag was high enough as it was.
Friday evening I sewed up the last of the tails. Yay, job done.
Saturday afternoon I got all the binding on the satchels, belt satchels, and little tabbed pouches, and did some work on Pouch #1000. Now they belt pouch-ish things just need some hardware put on the flaps, and the satchels need their shoulder straps.
While I was sewing, Ron was working on the belt portion of inventory, and then he cut and assembled a bunch of belts.
Saturday after dinner I cut out a bunch of small drawstring bags. 25 of them, as it turned out. That seems like a lot, but they go together easily.
Yesterday I finished Pouch #1000, which I need to get Ron to take good pictures of. And while assisting Xap with putting together the MuseCon grid, Ron and I worked on lacing soft-ish pouches. Ron's hand is getting better, he was able to work on pouch flaps.
We've been molding sockets for small glass bottles, and two test-runs for larger plastic bottles. There were some bugs in the plan for larger bottles, but they have been addressed.
After dinner last night I poked at possible layouts for ACen. But I think this post is long enough, I'll natter about that, and hopefully include pictures, in another post.
Some Photos From the JoCo Cruise Opening Concert
14 hours ago
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